Thursday, May 31, 2007

Masking URL's

Questions about masking your URL's. Here are the answeres. First off if your sending a very long link in an e-mail you can mask it to make it much smaller. This keeps the URL from breaking in transmission, so the recipent does not have to cut and past your link back togeter.
You can also use URL masking to hide your affiliate ID. Sometimes you don't want potential costumers to know that your an affiliate because they may have a bad opinion about affiliates but could still be intrested in the product. masking the URL prevents people from knowing the final destination and also makes really long links small.
To get your URL masked you can use, or

Who doesn't like free stuff?

Well as far as I know, everyone loves to get free stuff. Here you go, a free E-book and it's all yours. This e-book is called the The Science of Getting Rich Online. It's stored online but has a ton of information in it that anybody can use. Weather your a newbie or been at it for a while a little extra info never hurts. You can recieve your Free copy of this e-book by going science of getting rich online to and sign up. Don't worry no crazy fees after wards and they don't send you a million e-mails either. Just thought I would share sense were all here together making money online. Check back on this post often, their was some other free stuff I wanted to share with all of you.

Here are some other Great free Software.
Directory submitter
Article Submitter

Here are some other Free E-books
Right clickGoogle adwords made easyand "save target as" to download.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Web submission

Many people forget to submit their web site to the search engines, either because they forget to or just don't know how. Some on the other hand believe it is better to have your site manually crawled and than indexed based on relevant content in their blog or web site. I on the other hand prefer so submit my sites so the search engines. Remember the main search engines like Google, yahoo, and MSN. Google is very easy to submit a site. just go to Google webmaster tools and submit you site. MSN is a little tricky for blogspot because it only accepts 5 submissions a day from a root domain such as but you can get in there if you try. here's the link to MSN at
To submit to yahoo, just go to the following URL Also to summit your site to various search engines try
Remember having your site indexed and crawled will greatly increase your ranking as long as you continue to post relevant content in your site or blog. Also creating one way links from directories will help. See a previous post about web site directory submissions heres an example of a Web Directory
Also get back links from other web sites. Preferably higher ranking website because when the spiders index the site it will see your link and index your page as well. All this will help you pick up more traffic to your web site. Hope this helps and enjoy making money online.

SEO Search Engine Optimisation
Submit your site to
20+ search engines
I agree to the terms:

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tax fix site review

I stumbled upon Taxfix and found it to be a great site for your Tax returns in the UK. Taxfix policy is that if you don't have a claim than there is no fee. Very quick refunds with reasonable fees. All you have to do is fill out an online form to Begin your claim. Just go to get your Tax Refunds

You too can do a review of this site to get a review done of your own website or blog. This is a great way to get a link from an upcoming PR6 site. If you want to submit a review click here.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Free Keyword selector tool

follow this link to use this great keyword selector tool. It's free and incredible easy. Just enter the keywords related to you site and the program will pull up many other keywords that relate and it also shows how often these words were searched for. This is a great tool that should be utilized for advertising and optimization. To use this excellent tool just go to this keyword selector tool. Just one more step to making money online.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Directory Submitter

If the Seo Elite software is a little to pricey for you and you want to test some of Brad's other products, you might want to look at the directory submitter. You can get the free version which allows you to submit to 350 directories very easily. The gold version which is under fifty dollars allows you to submit to nearly 2,000 directories and they are adding more all the time. This is a great product and can save you loads of time. It could take you all year to find and submit one site to all those directories. So check it out its a great product. This will definitely increase your traffic, help you gain PR rankings and send you on your way to making money online.
Click the following link To see my review of SEO Elite-the most powerfull SEO tool on the market.

Submit Your Website To Thousands Of Website Directories Instantly!

Back to Homepage

Friday, May 25, 2007

SEO Elite

SEO Elite is software that everyone should seriously look into. Search engine optimization is THE best way to get traffic to you site or blog. You see, a properly optimized website, is like a magnet to search engines and attracts website visitors the same way moths are attracted to a light bulb on a dark night, and this sort of traffic that you get from the Search Engines is called "Organic Search Engine Traffic". This guy "Brad", has set everything up for you. No you don't have to read a mile long e-book than do it all your self. The software is the magic in this product. It's so easy to use a child could run this program. SEO Elite is the most user friendly SEO Software on the planet. A program like this could save you days of work if not years. Most SEOs charge upwards of $4,500 a month for doing what this software will do for you. Now I will not beat around the bush. This product will cost you one hundred and sixty seven dollars. No product worth having will come cheap and if you were to pay someone to do this for you it could cost upwards of $50,000 a year. In my opinion SEO Elite is the most powerful SEO software on the planet and well worth every penny spent.
60 day full money back, no questions asked guaranteed! So what do you have to lose.

Click here to read more about SEO Elite

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Should you have a disclosure policy?

A disclosure policy is an act of making something obvious. Disclosing (divulging or explaining), the purpose and interests of a blogger in his/her published posts: written, audio or video. Disclosure policy's are important because advertisers are offering bloggers payment or gifts to create content about specific products or services, the blogger's interest in the product or service may be in part the financial gain. Whether the blogger would have included content in his/her blog about the product or service without gift or payment, the fact is the blogger is receiving payment for certain content.

By disclosing the purpose of a blog, bloggers are letting readers know more about the information they'll be reviewing. Bloggers retain the freedom to write original content, as well as select which advertisers they will represent in exchange for gifts or money. Any ethical concerns will remain where they've always been - on the individual level. Because it is a blogger's freedom to select which topics will bring them payment, he/she remains responsible for his/her own reputation. I have added a disclosure button to my site. It is located at the bottom left hand side. Having a disclosure doesn't mean you are lying in your blog or that you can lie. It just lets people know, that have a difference in opinion, that these are your own personal opinions. So no one can blame you for an affiliate they don't like. You Can create your Disclosure policy at Just one more step in the journey of making money online.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Upgrading with Bidvertiser

If your just starting out and want to upgrade from Google AdSense, bidvertiser is your solution. Bidvertiser has a low threshhold of only Ten dollars and pays directly to your paypal account. The pay out per click is also better in my experience. Bivertiser also enables you to block unwanted ads so that you don't have competitors ads on you site. They also claim to always display the highest bidding ads on your site. Not only is bidvertisers publisher program good but, their advertising program is great. They have a very inexpensive advertising program so you can get your site out there for pennies a day. Right now, for a limited time you can get $20 in free clicks. On top of all this bidvertiser has an extremely good referral program. They offer Ten dollars for every referral that earns ten dollars, and when a referral earns fifty dollars you will get forty in return. Not so bad hu. Now with all this said, Bidvertiser is a little more difficult to use than AdSense but easy to figure out. just log on and follow directions. Copy and paste the code into your template section under a html widget.That's it. It's free to sign up with bidvertiser and you basically get $20 to promote you website, so upgrade now and enjoy making money online with bidvertiser.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Free back link and E-book contest

This is a great way to get a backlink to a PR4 site and enter a contest to win a free E-book “The AdSense Code: What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense”.

Somewhere Over the Debt, a blog about finding ways to make money online and living life on your own terms, is giving away a free copy of the book, The AdSense code by Joel Comm.

To enter this contest visit

Friday, May 18, 2007

Famous Affiliate Marketer Ewen Chia Launches 36 Videos


Affiliate marketing tycoon Ewen Chia launched 36 videos revealing all the secret strategies he uses for marketing as an affiliate. The videos which are claimed to be worth $1000s are provided free upon joining his affiliate marketing training site
Huddersfield, Yorkshire (PRWEB) May 18, 2007 -- Affiliate marketing tycoon Ewen Chia launched 36 videos revealing all the secret strategies he uses for marketing as an affiliate. The videos which are claimed to be worth of $1000s are provided free upon joining his affiliate marketing training site: "Affiliate of the Month."With the launch of the affiliate marketing training site: "Affiliate of the Month", Ewen Chia created a set of 36 videos which he claims are so simple that anyone can earn money on-line through his affiliate marketing techniques. He is also providing advanced affiliate marketing training modules to provide a clearer picture of the marketing techniques. He has even added in ready-to-use affiliate marketing documents which can be used to market any product on-line. His affiliate marketing training site holds contests which provide cash prizes of up to $500 to the top three winners. Marketing Guru John Reese stated, "Ewen is one of those rare marketers that continue to make good money from Affiliate Marketing time and time again." Even the world famous affiliate, Mike Filsaime said, "I do not consider any launch successful until I know Ewen is on board. 'Ewen Chia' himself is a Powerful Case Study in affiliate marketing. If he ever sells his secrets, I want to be the first to know!"
Mr. Chia states that the biggest advantage is that the website is constantly under surveillance by marketing biggies like John Reese, Mike Filsaime, Mark Joyner and many others. Thus those who turn up in the top three ranks have great opportunities to enter the arena of big gun marketers. To top all these benefits, Mr. Chia has provided a money-back guarantee for 8 weeks wherein any discontented client can claim the money back.. Ewen is one of those rare marketers that continue to make good money from Affiliate Marketing time and time again. About Ewen ChiaMr. Ewen Chia is famous as the world's #1 super affiliate. He has earned millions of dollars through his affiliate marketing secrets. His marketing strategies are even admired by leading marketing Guru's like John Reese, Mike Filsaime, Mark Joyner and many others. Mr. Ewen is also an expert author at Even Internet marketer, Mr. Mike Filsaime said "When I think of Ewen's marketing ability, one word comes to mind... 'Explosive!' ".

Ewen Chia is famous as the world's #1 super affiliate.
Learn all his secrets by Clicking Here!

eBay Bans Affiliates from Using Paid-Search Campaigns

eBay is increasing the payout to members of its Affiliate Program effective June 1, 2007, but is disallowing paid-search traffic purchased from Google, Yahoo and MSN for its US members. eBay's Affiliate Program allows third-parties to earn revenue for driving bidders and buyers to eBay listings.

Some affiliates generate traffic to eBay through advertising, but as of June 1st, eBay will no longer compensate affiliates for "paid search traffic purchased from,,, nor from any of their content networks, such as Google AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher Network, and MSN ContentAds, if it is linked directly to the, eBay Express, or eBay Store domains."

One affiliate said the change may have been prompted by Google's decision to limit the number of eBay affiliate ads per search result page to one.

It's also possible eBay may have felt that affiliates purchasing keywords on search engines were driving up the cost of the ads, which it also purchases from search engines. In addition to higher keyword ad costs, eBay then had to pay out affiliate revenue to these "advertising competitors." However, it's not known how significant the effect of eBay's affiliates has been on Google's keyword pricing. An affiliate said it was eBay that increased the cost of keywords through its bidding practices starting about a year ago.

eBay affiliates have run into problems with Google in the past. In an incident AuctionBytes first reported that was later profiled in John Battelle's book, "The Search," an eBay affiliate had created doorway pages that converted links on Google search results to eBay search results using cloaking techniques, which are banned by Google (

As for news of eBay's pending changes, some affiliates complained on discussion boards about the new ban on paid-search campaigns, others were pleased and said they would earn much higher revenue through the higher payout rates.

eBay is increasing the referral fee for a new active confirmed registered user (ACRU) from $12 to $25 in the first tier (1 - 49 ACRUs). eBay created a new top tier of 30,000+ ACRUs with a rate of $35 per ACRU; formerly the top tier was 3000+ ACRUs with a rate of $22 per ACRU. The revenue share also increases from 40 - 65 percent of total eBay revenue generated, to 50 - 75 percent of total eBay revenue generated.

Commission Junction administers eBay's Affiliate Program. eBay changed the program in March so sellers could earn affiliate revenue on bids placed on their own items; they still may not put affiliate links on eBay pages, but they may include links on their websites or blogs.

By Ina Steiner

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tips and tricks from what I learned along the way.

I'll list what should be done in order as best I can. These steps are very easy for beginers and Free.

1) First you need to come up with an intresting topic or niche. Start with one and then make otheres. should be something you find intresting that way you be motivated to update your blog or website. Also try and make your niche about something solid and consistant, that way viewers will know exactly what your pagee is all about.

2) Then you need to sign up for create a blog about your niche. update this blog regularly.

3) Sign up for Adsense. This is how your going to make you money. You will plug these ads into your blogs. Also try Bidvertiser. You will also want to sign up with paypal if you havent already done so. There also alot of affiliates out there that offer a lot of money for selling their products.

4) Traffic- there is no right way to get traffic but there is wrong ways. This is the most difficult step, which requires some effort. Visit blogs and forums related to you topic. Post in these forums some info about the topic and leave your link. My space is also a good way to find alot of people but be carefull. When posting leave actual comments, not spam. Like I said before having a solid topic will also drive traffic to your site.

5) Many people give up fairly quickly and expect this to be a get rich quick schem. Well it's not and it takes time to make money just like anything else. I do this for fun. It's not hard and anybody could do it with a little practice. Best of all you dont have to put any money in to it if you don't want to. All you do is set up a blog, write about something you know or want, and put the ads there. Just that easy. Join me today and lets make some money together.