Another intresting idea. Most people like to view pictures when viewing a site. It's human nature to be drawn to images of each other. It also gives the reader an idea of who is writing even though it might not be a picture of you. Pictures also help people remember, so the next time they see something resembling your site theres more chance of returning traffic. Heres another cool idea. how about a talking animation on your site. You tell it what to say, and it says it when people visit your site. It's really cool. check it out.
Oddcast text-to-speach
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Human friendly site
Monday, April 23, 2007
A few tips for beginers
I'll list what should be done in order as best I can. These steps are very easy for beginners and Free.
1) First you need to come up with an interesting topic or niche. Start with one and then make others. should be something you find interesting that way you be motivated to update your blog or website.
2) Then you need to sign up for create a blog about your niche. update this blog regularly. Updating you blog or web site increases your "SEO".
3) Sign up for AdSense. This is how your going to make you money. You will plug these ads into your blogs. Also try Bidvertiser. You will also want to sign up with paypal if you haven't already done so.
4) Traffic- there is no right way to get traffic but there is wrong ways. This is the most difficult step, which requires some effort. Visit blogs and forums related to you topic. Post in these forums some info about the topic and leave your link. My space is also a good way to find allot of people but be careful. When posting leave actual comments, not spam.
5) Be persistent! Online marketing takes time. You need to build your sites up, increasing SEO and placing your adds correctly will eventually bring you a profit. Always be thinking of new ideas. Some blogs or web sites may not work for you. Find new keywords that are searched often, but not overly used. Follow these steps, and with a little time and patience you will become successful.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
12 SEO Tips (search engine optimization)
1) Content - Regular, frequent and high quality content produced by people with knowledge in the field, or people that you can trust to do their homework before jumping headfirst into writing it. This is crucial both at the search engine algo level and the PPC campaign design level. And its not just a fresh article once a month. If you examine your log files you will see how often the SERP’s comeback to visit. Once you are in good with them, they hit your site 1-3+ times a day. It will only do this if it sees fresh content, via your navigation. There is a point at which the bots will and won’t come back and crawl. They won’t if they don’t see fresh content. They will come back to your index (homepage) to find the fresh content, if they don’t find it they will leave. If they do find fresh content they will continue to navigate throughout your site via the ‘proper’ navigation mentioned in this list below. Fresh content throughout your entire site is costly and time-consuming, but will separate you and elevate you from the rest.
2) Inbound links to your site from relevant and trusted sites – Links from trusted sites; links from pages with a higher PR(4+) and less than 50 outbound links; links from pages with a lower PR and less than 10-25 outbound links (Keyword-rich anchor text as well). Preferably forums and blogs (or Viral Marketing) are some of the strongest referrers.
3) Individual Title and Descriptions - The argument is alive and well, and continuing as it has and will for several years. Title tags are how the SE’s identify the relevancy of your page (compared to the end-users search query), not just in Organic ranking but in Paid Placement as well. Descriptions are how (organically) the SE’s place a relevancy rating on your page.
4) Site Architecture/Navigation – This includes menus, all the way to how each section on a site’s pages are interlinked with each other.
5) Keyword Terminology - In your content, use 2 or 3 word keyword phrases that are likely to be searched for by users. Don’t over-do-it, but be sure everything is in line and included - Keyword Title; Keyword phrase in description (1st line); Internal navigation keyword links; Fresh keyword rich content.
6) Universal XML Sitemaps - Providing an XML sitemap is one of the easiest things you can do to help search engines traverse your site. Google, Yahoo and MSN have all adopted this “standardized” tool. Having a sitemap and then submitting it through WEBMASTER Central will tell you not only when the crawl (usually 1-2 days) is complete, but also if there are any errors that the bots found.
7) Rich Media – Or concentrating on utilising video, image and audio search. Google is and I believe Yahoo and MSN will be offering big incentives to move into these areas, provided you can utilize this according to your current ad structure, demographics and product or service. Flash builders are a dime-a-dozen. Utilize them to create interactive ads.
8) Web 2.0 - Utilising blogs and forums more to improve search such as , ,,, and others. Also put these “public bookmarks” buttons (AddMe to Google) in your site and your articles.
9) Mobile Web - Google, Yahoo and MSN mobile are nearing and making your site accessible to all mobile web browsers is increasingly important. Remember when Firefox and Opera came out and everything didn’t work or look right? (kinda like today on a much smaller scale). That’s all there is to becoming mobile compliant.
10) Content Relevancy - ensuring everything is neat and relevant across a site. Irrelevant links and content could be detrimental. Map your entire site in a hand-written tree and link them accordingly. Then use this to create a sitemap, and add a link to it to your homepage, and/or your navigation.
11) Constant Monitoring of Paid and Organic Analytical Information - Re-evaluation and improvements based on user stats and new industry changes. Having an expert in this field is vital. (e.g. If you have a PPC account with a few thousand keywords that are working for you that is proving successful, great job. If you want to double the traffic whilst cutting your costs in half, then you’ll need an expert to know what these analytics mean)
12) Become a More Trusted Site – Links are great but links from trusted sites are KING. If you need to work 10 times as long writing articles, creating Charitable Ebay auctions, endorsing a football team or a fraternity, do whatever you have to do to get links such as from a .edu or .gov. This will almost instantly boost your trust and especially your organic rankings. Other potential trust issues include GeoTrust and HackerSafe certifications or even going to a secure server.
A Word About Website Popularity - Yes, this is measured by all the search engines, and always has been. (Remember when you open your Google PPC account and it asked you about providing behaviorally statistical information?) Whether you use analytical and tracking tools or not, all the SE’s do. This is part of the method they used to use before the more advanced algorithms of today. Unfortunately, you can’t directly control this, but with the rest of these tips you can definitely improve it.

no shame to being new to the game.
I am relatively new to this, but in the short time that I have been doing this I have made a profit. It does take time and work. I never thought that I could make money online this way. It just never dawned on me that people do this. I am not the best when it comes to HTML or Traffic but I'm picking it up little by little as I go along. I think anyone is capable of doing this. If we work together, it will be that much easier to make a profit.
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